Special Prayer Request

This page is for a special prayer request. This page is not for requesting a Mass Intention. The Mass intention request form can  be accessed by clicking on THIS LINK: MASS INTENTIONS THAT IS BELOW.

Esta página es para una petición de oración especial. Esta página no es para solicitar una intención masiva. Se puede acceder al formulario de solicitud de intención masiva haciendo clic en el siguiente enlace:
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Let us Pray for....   Oremos por ...   Módlmy się o ...

Let us fray for the following intentions of our Parish Community...

Oremos por las siguientes intenciones de nuestra comunidad parroquial ...

Módlmy się w następujących intencjach naszej wspólnoty parafialnej ...


Jesus, bless Magda, David, and their children with health, prosperity, new home and protection. Shower them with Your blessings through the power of Your blood. May all who join in this prayer experience Your grace and favour. Amen.


Please pray for me in my misery of my job, against mobbing and demage,for God's blessing at my work and recovery my eyes and sick bladder, and spirit healing of my son Thomas


May God have mercy on those afflicted by the floods in Thailand. Udon Thani, Chiang Mai, and Chiang Rai Dioceses are all inextricably linked in various ways. Because the flooding situation persists, we require government assistance. God has the choice of food, water, and other resources.


Pray that the Holy Spirit may comfort and encourage Gerard Ratchachanont Tewinsatit, who feels called by the Lord to The Archdiocese of Fatima's Tharae Nongsaeng Theological College.


Pray for Ms. Daranee Teapthong, a patient with breast cancer, so that God's merciful rays of radiation therapy and His healing touch can help eradicate her cancerous cells.